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My Grandpa, the Spy by Kingsley Markham

My Grandpa, the Spy by Kingsley Markham

Hey Grandpa. Sorry I’m late. Nurse Browell said you weren’t feeling well.

I am perfectly well, Kevin. Nurse Browell and I are just having a contest of wills. She is trying to get me to take a sleeping pill at night. I have explained that I find three hours of sleep quite refreshing. Besides I have built up an immunity to such medicines in my line of work.

She is just doing what she thinks is right, I guess.

That woman thinks that because I am old, I belong in a home.

But Grandpa, you are in a home.

Yes, but I don’t belong here. This is just deep cover.

KEVIN: Right....

But here we are talking about my problems. You look terrible Kevin. Have a seat. Can a get you anything? A martini? Some hemorrhoid cream?

It’s fine. I’m just having some trouble at school. There’s this bully. And there’s this girl I like. And...and it’s hopeless.

Kevin, listen. I know that you see me as a sophisticated man of the world, a figure of mystery and romance, and your own personal hero. And all of that is true. But I’m also your grandfather. Let me help.

That’s so nice. But there’s nothing you can do.


Oh I think there is. You see, I have certain....skills. Kevin, this will shock you! And I tell you only because you are my first or second favorite grandchild. agent.

You tell everyone that you are a secret agent, Grandpa. You told Nurse Browell that IKEA was the front for a Swedish spy ring.

Yes, but that is part of my cunning. Kevin, someday I will be an old man. Even now I...forget things.

Like when you forgot your pants when you were going to the dining hall.

I had a good reason for that one, but let it pass. You see, as an agent I feared that as I enter my senior years, I might accidentally divulge some state secret. But if I convince everyone that I am deluded, they won’t believe anything I say. Tremble at the genius, Kevin.

Do you want me to read to you, Grandpa?

No. Tell me your troubles. About the bully. About the girl. I am at your disposal, Kevin. So what do you want. Assassination training? Seduction advice?

Okay. There’s this girl in math class named Serena....

SERENA: Hey Kev!

And she is beautiful. And always talks to me.

So Kev, could you show me how to do number 9? Let me just pull my chair closer so I can see. Wow, you write your numbers so decisively.

I see. This Serena girl is bullying you.

No. That’s the girl I like. I just don’t know if she likes me.

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